IQRF Tech in Scientific Circle Session 2018

The 8th of June IQRF Tech participated in Scientific Circle Session 2018 at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Cracow University of Technology. During event students from the University presented papers about innovation products prepared by them. We were very happy to participate in this excellent event. In the one of the time slot, Piotr Antończyk from IQRF Tech presented for guests opportunities for young people based on IQRF technology and IQRF Alliance community. The greatest interest aroused IQRF Startup program dedicated for young companies with innovations approach and start up's.

IQRF Tech company was a one the sponsors of the event and donated DS-START-04 starter kit. The starter kit has been donated for the best student circle. Participation of the IQRF Tech company in this event is in line with our business view, supports students in access to IoT world and builds bidirectional cooperation between IQRF Tech and the Cracow University of Technology.

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering is the first Faculty which joined to IQRF Alliance and IQRF Smart School project in Poland.

IQRF presentation


Author: Ivona Spurná in category IQRF novinky,

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