IQRF Alliance launched: programming-free wireless networking into any device

IQRF Alliance, a consortium of companies linking manufacturers, system integrators and installation companies, has been launched. Programming-free wireless mesh networks are reality as of now. This is a great opportunity to quickly and cost-effectively make all the electronic products wireless and bring them to the market in a matter of weeks.

The IQRF Alliance focuses on extremely easy integration of smart wireless solutions prevailingly in the segments of Indoor Lighting, Outdoor Lighting, Building and Smart Home Automation.

Thanks to the revolutionary and patented concept of Direct Peripheral Access and Hardware Profiles, IQRF Alliance members can simply integrate wireless communication and networking into their devices or systems, buy wide range of fully compatible products from any IQRF Alliance member worldwide and expand their market and sales.

Easy wireless communication, programming-free wireless networks, fully compatible wireless devices and reliable full MESH networking are available for you with no license fees. So, don’t hesitate to join the IQRF Alliance!

  • Programming-free wireless networks
  • Easy wireless integration to any existing product
  • Short time-to-market
  • Fully compatible wireless devices
  • Reliable full MESH networking
  • No license fee


Author: Adéla Slezáková in category MICRORISC news,

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