Internet of Things and mesh networks



MICRORISC provides light controllers to easily create smart lighting. You can use the IQRF Lighting bridge for indoor lighting or light controllers with Zhaga/NEMA connectors for street lighting.

  • Easy integration into the light, automatic fast lighting installation.
  • Remote and local monitoring and control, connectivity to cloud services.
  • Uses all the advantages of IQRF technology.


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We offer a system for measuring temperature and relative humidity in the interior of buildings, such as offices, schools, archives, factories, and warehouses.

It is ready for immediate use – you just place sensors, activate them, plug repeaters in power sockets, and set the basic parameters on the IoT gateway.

  • Use cost-effective sets or combine sensors as you need in the custom set.
  • Get sensory data every 4 minutes.
  • Visualize data in clear charts.
  • Get electronically signed reports every day with information on the state of temperature and humidity.
  • In the event of a fluctuation outside the limits, get an immediate notification.
  • Uses wireless IQRF technology with a beaming feature for long battery life.


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MICRORISC is focused on research, development, delivering technologies and hi-tech components to electronics manufacturers, especially with wireless IQRF connectivity.

See our reference examples.


Public lighting in Israel Menolinx Ltd.

Wireless technology IQRF allows an effective management of public lighting. Our portfolio includes specific products for lighting control networks – e.g. cowled module for outdoor environments. IQRF modules control lighting, send data on real consumption and monitor failures of individual lamps in lighting networks worldwide. Operating cost savings of such a network of lights is 40%.
See more at Menolinx or Comexys website


Lighting control in supermarkets in Mexico MA Group Srl

Wireless modules automate lighting supermarkets. IQRF allows you to selectively turn on only certain lights, control the light intensity (mainly LED), control light and transmit data about a fault. Automated control of large networks of lights in different modes as needed.


Battery monitoring systems in Slovak nuclear power plants ELTECO, Inc., Enersys, Ltd.

NPP Mochovce and Jaslovské Bohunice use battery-monitoring systems with customized control panels VCP-02. The systems are custom developed by ELTECO for Enersys, a battery supplier for nuclear power plants.


Wireless sanitary electronics Sanela Ltd.

Sanela Ltd. is a leading producer of complete range of sanitary electronics in Czech Republic. Wireless communication IQRF is used in several products such as toilet flush units, washbasin taps or automatic showers.


Access and intercom systems Kadlec - elektronika, s.r.o.

Wireless access and intercom systems, payment terminals and various electronic imaging systems. Network of large amounts of equipment collect, send and evaluate current data.


Monitoring consumption of family houses

On-line monitoring of energy consumption and other variables of a family house. By optimizing heating, it was managed to reduce gas consumption by 15% without decreasing the thermal comfort of the population.


Wireless technologies in telemedicine University “Transylvania” of Brasov, University Polytechnic of Bucharest - Romania

The study of wireless technologies and their use in the areas "Scan - monitoring - telemedicine" compares different technologies, incl. IQRF, and their possible use in sensing, monitoring and telemedicine. Compare the wireless systems of the device within the Internet of Things.

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